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See the big picture.
Solve the right problems.

Just like people, no two organisations are the same. When you want to affect organisational change, the challenges you face are equally unique. A multitude of variables like structure and governance, business-type and market offering, not to mention workforce capabilities and competencies, add layers of complexity and nuance to what feels like, in many ways, a living organism.

Helping your organisation to work better starts with a deep and fundamental understanding of how its structures and frameworks, practices and processes, impact the people and cultures that exist within them.

At your organisation’s core is the human element; a wonderful, complex, and sometimes unpredictable variable without which the organisation would simply be unable to exist.

Research & Knowledge Mobilisation

Research provides the building blocks of knowledge that lead to your insights and actions.

Research is a broad term that captures one of the most crucial and fundamental stages and helps us develop a material understanding of how organisational structures and frameworks are impacting the experiences, performance, and agency of the people who work within them. Understanding the context in which your people work is essential for developing the right frameworks, structures, and resources that will enable and empower them.

What’s involved

Artefact review

Process and practice analyses

Stakeholder mapping

Sector/Ecosystem mapping

Survey design & deployment

Focus groups and interviews

Community engagement workshops

Design workshops

Program and policy design

Knowledge mobilisation

The outcomes you can expect

Understand why things are working as they are

Provide a platform for voices and perspectives from those who have not properly been heard

Clarify how individual experiences are connected to larger organisational, sectoral, and/or systemic processes and practices

Clearly understand what’s contributing most to what your employees are seeing and experiencing in their context

Understand what interventions and where you can make most difference

Make data-informed choices about where to invest resource to effect the change you want


Strategic Planning/
Strategy Development

Strategy is the road map to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

Strategic development takes on many forms as we journey from your current state to your desired end-state. It’s important to note that strategic development and planning is a process, not an end-state. The process of developing the strategy clarifies your opportunities, identifies unrealised challenges, and reveals the scope of change required. It’s a pressure test for what comes next.

What’s involved

Learning strategy

Talent strategy

Evaluation strategy

Change management strategy

Transformation strategy

Organisational strategy

The outcomes you can expect

An integrated strategic plan that addresses the needs of the organisation, its governance, its structure, training and evaluation, operations

Cross-functional engagement and process management

Stakeholder mapping and engagement

Measurement and evaluation


Embedded within your organisation, we use this stage for two crucial purposes.

Being in-field and in-market, we are able to be first-hand observers, providing a critical but unbiased eye on the culture, behaviours, and functionality of your organisation. With interviews and ride-alongs, we undertake assessments and reviews that help us understand the current state of your org. and your people. This benchmarking is essential.


At the same time, we conduct a lot of pre-change management meetings with stakeholders, developing senior leadership buy-in, and securing executive sponsors. Working with a ‘core’ team, we integrate with leadership teams across your operations, integrating the perspectives and experiences of subject matter experts (SMEs) who review, provide input/feedback, and contribute to the approval of the final design and implementation plans.

What’s involved

Talent/organisational framework design/redesign

Organisational design

Job design

Competency framework design 

Talent development resource creation

Career framework development

Talent process design

Supported implementation

Evaluation strategy/framework design and implementation

The outcomes you can expect

Puts the right people are in the right roles with the right competencies they need to succeed

Provide a rational approach to design and implementation tied to business strategy outcomes

Foster employee engagement by investing in their well-being and helping them take ownership of their career paths

Show the links between development and performance and encourage engagement

Develop and retain high-potential talent

Increases internally developed talent pipelines for leadership and other critical roles


Framework Design & Implementation

Putting strategy into action.

With our Framework Design complete, we begin to develop, design, and implement programs of various sizes intended to initiate organisational change. This can involve building training modules and learning resources, or, more often, focus on broader interventions like career frameworks, end-to-end curriculums and professional accreditations and certifications.

What’s involved

Evidence-based or data-informed interventions

Implementation programs

Strategic program design

The outcomes you can expect

Program design and development

Understand corporate-wide needs

Adaptable capability building

Logic model

Long-term plan for program evolution

Process design


Program Design

Evaluation & Assessment

The outcomes you can expect

Quantify and know what work and development investments have been effective

Integrated data to inform strategic planning

Line of sight into organisational and operational strengths and opportunities of your people

Track progress/improvement on an individual and team basis

Link people processes to business outcomes

Understand where to invest/spend more time for the best return

Link employee engagement and experience to customer experience

Having an evaluation framework for test and learn processes 

Refine your methods and validate your impact.

The last and most crucial stage: know the impact of your transformation through objective evaluation. With KPIs developed during the Framework Design stage, we develop and validate a range of assessments, analysing results and working with you to develop next-step action plans. We complete qualitative people and culture evaluations to inform on-going organisational design, strategy, and development activities, always referencing back to the overarching strategy that guides everything.

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