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Lindsay Valve
Sep 19, 20245 min read
Confidentiality vs Censorship: Handling open-ended responses
When it comes to gaining organisational insights the most important feedback must include our most valuable assets: our people....

Lindsay Valve
Sep 19, 20246 min read
Choosing to Survey…or Not.
“Do a survey!”, they said. “It will be easy!”, they said. Surveys are used as research multitools by most organisations – they’re easy,...

Lindsay Valve
Sep 19, 20244 min read
Getting qualitative insights: the power of thick data
In survey design, there is a popular practice of using open-ended questions to add depth to survey responses. It’s a smart move, given...

Lindsay Valve
Sep 19, 20243 min read
Build or Buy? Commercial vs. Custom Assessments
Focus on ROI is peaking, raising the stakes of nearly every decision an organisation must make. This need to demonstrate positive...

Lindsay Valve
Sep 19, 20243 min read
Build or Buy? Choosing the Right Assessments
Assessment-supported decision-making is gaining popularity, with broadening application in talent selection and people development,...

Lindsay Valve
Sep 19, 20243 min read
PROVE IT! Building the ROI STORY
While ROI is measured from the bottom up, ROI evaluation is planned from the TOP DOWN. Planning ROI evaluation involves mapping the...

Lindsay Valve
Sep 19, 20242 min read
PROVE IT! Why We Must Redefine “ROI”
“Prove it.” You are an HR professional managing employee wellness programs. You are a learning expert responsible for the organisation’s...

Lindsay Valve
Sep 19, 20242 min read
PROVE IT! Getting Clear about Metrics and KPIs
Measuring ROI is often elusive because there is a disconnect between the expected results and the direct outcomes of the program...

Lindsay Valve
Sep 19, 20243 min read
Measuring the Secret Sauce
Can we really measure attitude? What about potential? How might we evaluate authenticity? When organisations talk about “fit”, they’re...

Lindsay Valve
Sep 19, 20243 min read
Measuring Talent Without Assessment?
The current audit culture has had an unexpected impact on performance management: ‘assessment’ has developed a bad rep, and the idea of...